Movie Night
Ok, so my life is way to uneventful for daily blogging...but I'm trying my best not to let (the three of) you down!
Toy Story video + popcorn + milk= Good times
(and Síofra's doll, *Annika, liked it, too.)
*We don't know anyone, nor have we ever met anyone, named Annika, so that name must have come to Síofra in a dream.
Isn't that funny how popcorn has been a staple in our family for so many years. I am not saying that you make popcorn every night like mom and dad do, but you have mentioned popcorn on a few occasions so I can only assume that you do have it regularly.
I love popcorn and Sarah and I have it at least 4 nights a week. I remember one of the first books I read as a young reader was "100 Pounds of Popcorn." I remember thinking how great it would be to have that much popcorn. Remember when we were young and we only got a cereal bowl of popcorn before bedtime while dad got a roaster pan full. I couldn't wait until I was old enough to eat popcorn from a roaster pan. Remember when mom would tell us that when she was a little girl, the left over popcorn from the night before was served for breakfast the next morning with milk and sugar on it. I guess they had invented Corn Pops before Mr. Kellogg did. Actually I think I would prefer Kellogg's version.
Anyway, we will have to pop some corn while camping in August.
I can't wait until you get here.
Brother Mike
Cool stuff. And I know an Annika, she works on housing development in Detroit.
Was her dream about affordable housing, by chance?
If Síofra is anything like her father, she WAS dreaming about affordable housing.
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