3 is a lucky number, right? So the fact that I now have two 3's in my age must mean 2007 will be a lucky year...
We had a great time in Cork with the Doolan's, and Siofra loved spending time with her cousins from Zurich. Flying to Cork does have advantages to the train; less time constraining the kids into seats, the novelty and excitement of take off and landing, for example. But all in all, it doesn't save time and can be a pain when your flight is cancelled and then the next flight they put you on is delayed... I don't think we'd do it again, the train is good enough for us.
I can see Padraic's days as a "baby" are slipping away. He's done a lot of growing up in the past month. He even took a step today, though Daithi thinks it was more of a lunge. He can clap and wave and kiss on command. All this whilst his hair gets curlier. In just 6 weeks he'll be one--it's hard to believe.
And some day, hopefully soon, he'll actually sleep through the night. Won't he?
Yes... he will. Happy Bday BCK! (...so that's where u were!!) xo - reba
Obviously my prayers to the pagan goddesses were heard...he slept from 9pm until 6am last night without interruption! I hope telling the world about this miracle won't jinx it! I feel so refreshed!
don't jinx it, you know my story all too well, had a dream you were five months pregnant last night and you didn't even realise...
by the way its dee in the previous message
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